changing the course
blueZERO is the specialised ship efficiency unit of Bluetech Finland Ltd.
We offer a range of vessel-specific design solutions that leverage the latest innovation for practical, value-driven results.

solving the cooling
equation with blueCOOL
In today’s shipping environment, we can’t afford to leave key systems unoptimized, but machinery cooling is often overlooked.

improved performance, automatically
blueCOOL is a vessel-specific cooling automation system, that both improves main engine performance and reduces pumping power.
Balancing these factors, which are often in opposition, is a complex equation that our proprietary system solves automatically.
blueCOOL works by adjusting the parameters and control devices in real time, ensuring reliable, measurable savings in any operational mode.
blueCOOL typical results:
2.5% – 5.5% annual fuel savings
ROI in less than 1 year
Lead time of 5 months to commissioning

change your course towards ZERO
Our Values
Desire to make customer succeed
Respect of employees
client satisfaction
4,42 / 5
4,38 / 5
4,33 / 5
4,50 / 5

Give us a call today
Tinasepäntie 45, 00620 Helsinki, Finland
+358 20 778 9210
© 2023 by Bluetech Finland

sam robin
From the high seas to high-stakes commercial shipping, Sam is now driven to find the perfect balance of ecological and economical to help shipping address the problem of our time.

juha hanhinen
Head of Hydrodynamics
After 30 years in the business, Juha is channelling his proven expertise in hydrodynamics and propulsion into optimising energy consumption and slashing emissions.

akseli kjellberg
Project Engineer
With a naval architectural background and experience in machinery design, Akseli is passionate about making systems more efficient by examining the ship as a holistic ecosystem.

juho ala-peijari
VP of Asset Management Services
Juho's mission is to harness his deep understanding of the shipyard business and naval architecture craft to assist ship owners in realising the full potential of their assets.

harri klemola
Naval Architect
Data is central to Harri’s approach to decarbonisation. He is applying his naval architecture skills to affect real change in vessel performance.

closing the design
gap with blueHYDRO
The typical cargo vessel trading today is operating far below its design speed. This equals inefficiency.
blueHYDRO closes this gap, adjusting the vessel’s physical parameters to suit its operations.

better propulsion with less power
blueHYDRO redesigns the propulsion chain for a lower speed, resulting in a ‘soft derating’ and vastly increased efficiency.
Focused around a custom replacement propeller, our hydrodynamicists and engineers design and specify pre and post swirl devices, lower main engine RPM and improved EEXI.
blueHYDRO typical results:
8% – 14% annual fuel savings
ROI in less than 2.5 years
Significantly improved emissions compliance

specialised solutions
towards ZERO
Many vessels are trading with a lower deadweight capacity than the rules would allow.

increase cargo, not consumption
Adjusting the freeboard requirement with minor steel work can allow for more cargo without significantly increased consumption.
blueZERO also offers bespoke, vessel-specific solutions to achieve greater performance through expert design, including:
Bow replacement projects
Wind faring projects
Wasp (wind propulsion) integration and design optimisation
Carbon capture assessment and integration
Independant consulting services
Objective technical studies and verification
Newbuilding ESD integration with shipyard