Bluetech Finland holds the license design for world’s most energy efficient per cargo unit Handymax bulk carrier, but we didn’t want to stop there.
We teamed up with commercial experts to address all the existing ships on the water that are underperforming and creating avoidable GHG emissions.
Our mission is simple: sink carbon and raise returns for our partners through advanced design.
The blueZERO team comprises naval architects, project engineers, acclaimed hydrodynamicists, and business leaders with real experience of asset management and commercial shipping. They are passionate and focused on slashing emissions and giving owners and operators the best bang-for-buck decarbonisation solutions for the lifecycle of their assets.
The addition of the blueZERO offering to Bluetech means that we are now able to help our clients succeed, not only at newbuilding but for the full life of the vessel, ensuring compliance and optimal efficiency to net ZERO 2050 and beyond.
More information about blueZERO can be found here: