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Bluetech marine business new responsible in China

Mr Shen JinJin, B.Sc., MBA has been appointed the Business Development Director as of beginning of August. Also widely known as Billy Shen, he is the new face of Bluetech in China. He works from the office location of FinChi in Shanghai in Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park.

Mr Shen holds an outstanding career for over 15 years within the marine design and building market and various positions with both chinese and european shipyards and companies. He knows the business and the habits at the both ends of the large continent.

With the help of Mr Shen Bluetech has now an improved presence in China which will benefit especially the clients interested in the cargo ship designs. Chinese yards are strong in building long series of cargo ships like bulk carriers and Bluetech has good references for producing competitive designs for such ship types.

For more information, please contact: Billy Shen, Bluetech China Manager E-mail: billy.shen(at) +86 136 4170 1438

Tommi Jansson, VP Standard ships E-mail: tommi.jansson (at) +358 40 7337 992


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