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Molslinjen RoPax ferry steel production started

Since the summer of 2016 the design of the Molslinjen ferry ships has covered all disciplines. An important milestone was reached when the steel cutting ceremony took place on the 7th of March 2017 at the Rauma Marine Constructions shipyard. Steered by the ship owner’s representative pieces of steel were cut and then stapled with the owner’s initials following a long shipbuilding tradition.

The occasion was also a culmination event for our structural design team at Bluetech Finland. A myriad of work had been done during the autumn and winter. But the start of steel production shifted the focus from structural design to supporting the production. The RoPax project kept the team busy all through the spring and summer. The ship is scheduled for delivery in early summer 2018.

The RoPax ferry is designed to carry both passengers and rolling cargo like trailers and cars. Within its length of 158 meters the ferry has 1,5 kilometers of lanes on the car decks and it can comfortably host 600 passengers. The ferry is intended to operate from the Danish island of Bornholm on routes Rønne – Køge and Rønne – Sassnitz.

The vessel is being constructed by Rauma Marine Constructions Ltd for the Danish ship owner Mols­linjen. Molslinjen has published a press release on the start of the steel cutting.


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