Bluetech Finland is selected as one of the key design partners for the R/V Aranda modernisation project. Ship is lengthened in the middle and extended in the aft. Numerous new equipment and systems are added and upgraded. Bluetech work scope includes the following:
Hull strength calculations
Hull basic design and classification drawings
Hull production design and production fairing
Deck outfitting basic and detail design
Contract for the refitting project was done by Rauma Marine Constructions. The contract counterpart is Finnish Environment Institute’s Marine Research Centre, SYKE Merikeskus. Merikeskus is administering the vessel operations. The conversion works and vessel docking is to take place at RMC shipyard site in Rauma.
R/V Aranda refurbishment is made to upgrade the research outfit and to extend the lifetime of the vessel. The vessel’s current owner and operator is Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). After the conversion the ship is expected to continue its successful service as the platform for the maritime scientific research for yet another twenty years.
More information about the conversion (in Finnish) can be found from the SYKE website: http://www.syke.fi/fi-FI/Ajankohtaista/Merentutkimusalus_Aranda_uudistuu_taysin%2843991%29